Does Your Oral Hygiene Reflect Your Overall Health?

Although the connection is not well understood, there’s a link between the condition of your oral health and your...

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work and What You Can Do About It

Have you ever heard of the phrase “New Year, new me”? This phrase reflects how we refuse to be...

7 Ways to Enhance Your Focus During Exercise

We know that keeping oneself healthy isn't only a nice-to-have but a must-have, especially during times of stress. While...

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Regaining Your Innocence and Why It Matters

Innocence, according to all accepted definitions, is freedom from guilt or sin. And even though that’s an appropriate and practical definition of the word, it’s not everything innocence is. To me, innocence is more than that. It’s the ability to innately feel joy, passion and desire without fear of having it wrecked. It’s about being open to the world and to others, without...

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Do you know that the three most popular beverages...

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Most of us on this planet spend at least...

Pilates vs. Yoga for Beginners: Similarities and Differences

Pilates is a system of low-impact exercise that works to...

8 Strategies You Can Use to Go Debt-Free

The saying that credit makes the world goes round...

The Wonders & Pitfalls of Modern Conveniences

Modern conveniences have become such an indispensable part of...

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Hello, dear Sleepy readers! I thought I'd keep it simple...

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Going Back to Nature – Why a Trip Outdoor Should Be in Your Itinerary

Maybe you can still recall your longing for the big city life when you were living in a small...

