7 Steps to Effectively Deal With Your Email Inboxes

handle email inbox

Are you one of those people who constantly check your inbox whenever a message appears? Also, how many times do you check your inbox every day? What about the number of emails you receive per day?

There is no question that email has become one of the most used communication tools in the workplace.

Emails have made it possible for information to be shared in near real-time and has made regular mail feel redundant. It is also a known fact that many people spend too much time dealing with emails to the extent that they have developed a love-hate relationship with it.

Although attempts have been made to replace emails with something better, nothing has been able to displace them as of now.

But worry not, Sleepy readers.

Here are seven simple tips and tricks that will make it easier to handle your inbox and save you some time while you’re at it.

Dealing With Your Inboxes

Emails have become an essential part of most people’s lives.

1. Make Sure to Unsubscribe

You may not realize it, but regularly subscribing to newsletters and the like can slowly fill up your inbox. Try looking through your emails to see which ones are no longer relevant and click unsubscribe.

One great tool that can assist you with doing so is using Unroll.me. It will help you decide from a list of newsletters if you would like to keep or throw out.

You can always resubscribe later if you wish.

2. Use the Snooze Button

Windows users can utilize the Snooze highlight.

When you hit “snooze” on an email, it will give you a certain amount of time you need to wrap up whatever work you are dealing with.

You can likewise set an email to nap until a specific time/date when you need to catch up on that message.

3. Create Templates

There are messages that do not require a customized response.

Sometimes, a “Thank you” or “I will get back to you later” will suffice.

In these cases, you can create and use pre-made templates that will save you a lot of time from having to type the same things repeatedly.

4. Empty Your Mails Regularly

Make it a habit to clear out your inbox every day or at least once a week.

You should not feel dread opening your inbox, and a clean inbox definitely helps.

5. Delete First

The first step when opening your inbox is to delete all the junk emails that you received.

Take a gander at the title and the sender. Is it junk? Is it a newsletter?

Toss it out if it is unimportant so that they don’t clutter up your inbox.

6. Schedule Time for Emails

Try not to check your email as if your life depends on it.

The best approach is to have one or more fixed times to check your inbox.

Don’t forget to also set a cutoff time after which you will no longer check your emails.

7. Organize Your Emails

Create folders for the messages that you wish to keep so that you know which ones to check should you need to refer back.