How Ordinary Objects Create Subtle Life Impacts

How Ordinary Objects Create Subtle Life Impacts

Things create people just as people make objects. Everyday items can create subtle, positive life impacts that many of us don’t ever think about each day.

These ordinary objects can create adverse results as well. When dealing with the moods we all experience each day, doing something fun or participating in a healthy activity seems like a way to create subtle benefits.

Other less-obvious factors in the surrounding environment also play a role. This outcome occurs because our emotions have deep connections with our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Here are some of the most influential objects in your environment right now that could be influencing your life.

1. Color

Colors can subconsciously affect our mood and therefore our behavior.

Different colors can create profound changes in how you feel. If blue items surround you consistently, then you can feel hopeful, calm, and centered. Red objects can help to inspire more energy and encourage you to be active. Other tones create specific outcomes as well.

  • Yellow items provide warmth and energy.
  • Pink objects are associated with kindness and love.
  • Orange colors grab your attention and inspire enthusiasm.

2. Weather

Ever wondered why you feel less energetic on rainy days?

Do you feel like you have more energy on sunny days than the times when it is overcast and gloomy? The weather can create subtle changes in your life because sunlight encourages serotonin production. If you don’t get enough of this neurotransmitter each day, your happiness levels can drop.

Temperatures that are hotter or colder than you prefer can also leave you feeling uninspired or unmotivated because of the lethargic effect it creates.

3. Posture

The way you sit, stand, and walk can have profound impact on your health.

If you sit in a slumped position, then there is a direct association with feelings of anxiety, sluggishness, and hostility. Sitting with proper posture creates more self-esteem, fewer negative emotions, and less social fear. When your chair does not allow you to sit correctly, then it can impact your life in adverse ways that you may not even realize.

How we feel with posture is directly attributed to the associations we make with being taller. If you are looking down on someone from a seated or standing position, then you feel more powerful. When this occurs at your desk or when having dinner with the family, the brain associates the actions to real confidence.

4. Physical Space

Your environment affects you just like you affect your environment.

The layout of your current environment can leave an impact on your life each day as well. You will want to try to make the most out of whatever physical space you have. If you feel better in bright, open areas, then open your blinds or curtains and reduce the clutter. You can inspire feelings of security by shutting down the space to make it seem impenetrable as well.

5. Music

The type of music you listen to can greatly affect your mood.

Have you ever felt chills or goosebumps when listening to music? Specific tempos and sounds bring people together because it creates a place of common ground. These social experiences help us to feel accepted since we see others enjoying the same things. This process allows us to establish friendships.

If you write music, then it can wire your brain chemistry in different ways to increase its function. You can improve your critical thinking skills, process melodies, and retain information in greater detail.

6. Artwork

Art allows our mind to wander.

Art is on display all around us, even if we do not notice specific pieces as we go about our daily lives. It is an element that can provide joy, create inspiration, or provide comfort. Some people can look at artwork and find motivation. Dark items can even create disturbing emotions or inspire anger in others.

What is unique about art is that you can create these outcomes while making something. You can paint, write, sculpt, or pursue any other form of a creative expression. How you feel at that moment becomes a reflection of the artwork you leave behind.

7. Smiles

A genuine smile always brings a feeling of warmth to one’s heart.

If you aren’t feeling delighted right now, then smile. It’s okay to fake it. When you force your body to turn that frown upside down, it will eventually lead you to a state of happiness. As your joy begins to grow, then this emotion leads you toward more smiling, which reinforces your emotional state.

This benefit applies to smiles that you see in other people too. When someone smiles when they see you, then it indicates that they’re pleased to see your face. You’ll feel happy about being recognized as well – unless you don’t want to encounter that person, which then creates the opposite feeling.

What Ordinary Items Influence Your Life?

We should organize our home and workspace in a way so that we can benefit from everyday objects.

Some of the ordinary items we encounter every day are objects we can pick up. There are some that we can physically experience, while a few engage our senses in unique ways without always being tangible. You cannot pick up a musical melody, for example, or store sunlight in a bottle to save for later.

When we pay attention to these subtle cues all around us, then it becomes possible to remove the adverse influences that can inspire unhappiness. That is why your environment, both inside and out, helps to make you who you are each day.