The Myths and Truths of Weight Loss


There is certainly no lack of information in today’s ever connected world, and this rings true when it comes to information pertaining to health and nutrition, more so when it concerns losing weight. This is because nearly everyone has an opinion to share, which can lead to information overload. It also makes it more difficult to separate the truths from the myths.

Allow us to lend a hand in helping you separate the truths from the myths.

Debunking Weight Loss Myths 

Myth #1. The More Intense Your Exercise, the More Weight You Will Lose

Always push yourself while exercising but also remember to give your body a break.

While it’s obvious that exercising will help you to lose weight, working out intensely for just one day will not result in any significant changes. This means spending time on the treadmill for hours and going to spinning classes will not help you shed much weight overnight.

A successful weight loss journey needs to involve a consistent workout routine, in addition to positive dietary changes.

Regardless, working out is still one way to lose weight. Just keep in mind that constantly pushing your body to the limits without rest can easily lead to burnout, thus hampering your progress.

See how often you should workout here.

Myth #2. Starvation or Skipping Meals Is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Eating the right foods will help keep you full for longer while suppressing cravings.

When trying to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of calories you consume and increase your calories burnt on a daily basis. Decreasing the amount of calorie consumption does not mean depriving yourself of food but does require that you eat the right amount and type of foods.

Skipping meals will prompt weight gain for most people unless you have developed the discipline to stick to the diet. This is because it tends to make you overeat at your next meal as a form of compensation. It also increases the likelihood that you will surrender to cravings for unhealthy processed foods thereby disrupting your diet goals.

Myth #3. Slimming Pills Will Hasten Weight Loss

Beware of products with dubious claims that can harm your health.

Here’s a question worth pondering: do you know which pill(s) will give you instantaneous weight loss results without any negative side effects? Us neither.

While some people are quick to rely on diet pills to achieve their desired body shape, these are generally unsafe and should be avoided. This is because most weight loss pills are unregulated, meaning that companies can make unsubstantiated claims and not be held responsible.

We strong suggest that you do not take any weight loss pills unless prescribed by your doctor. Even then, be sure to do your own research to ensure that you are not being scammed. 

Weight reduction surgeries, on the other hand should only be considered for people suffering from extreme cases of diabetes. While generally safe, there are still risks involved with said procedure such as contamination, blood clusters, and lung or breathing issues. It’s also not a permanent solution unless the patient can strictly adhere to a long-term clean eating plan after the surgery.

Myth #4. Expecting Immediate Results

Achieving the desired results takes time and patience.

Every individual has a different set of hormones, metabolism, and current health level that could contribute to how much weight he/she can lose. This is because the body’s main purpose is survival at all costs and will do whatever it takes to make sure that all organs are functioning properly.

Most people give up because they see rapid changes within the first weeks of starting a diet/exercise routine but get demotivated once the gains appear to stop. This is natural because of the body’s adaptive mechanisms. One way to prevent this is to constantly trick/confuse your body by eating different foods and doing different types of exercises.

Seeing further results will always require some sacrifice along with dedication and patience.

Making It Work For You

Truth #1. Intermittent Fasting Is a Viable Lose Weight Method for Most People

Switch up your diet routine and you will see a change

Intermittent fasting or simply fasting periodically can help you lose weight in a healthy way. It is a method where you schedule to only have food intake within a certain time window, although you can consume non-calorie food/drinks outside of this window too. This method allows you to eat and fast at a specific time of the day for effective weight loss. 

There are different kinds of approach to intermittent fasting. A common example is the 16:8 ratio, which provides you an 8 hour eating period followed by 16 hours of fasting. 

Intermittent fasting has numerous proven benefits aside from weight reduction. These include protection against type 2 diabetes, coronary illness, and cancer. It can also boost your metabolism while keeping the number of calories you eat in check.

Truth #2. You Must Have a Plan and Be Consistent

Be disciplined with your eating habits.

Start a food journal and log your calorie intake throughout the day. Plan out your meal, workout routine, and measure your progress. It is easy to give up when things get tough, but miracles do happen if you want something bad enough and are willing to put in the work. Do your best to be consistent with the three foundations to better health, namely nutrition, exercise, and recovery.

Tip: Feel free to do away with the journal(s) once you have grown accustomed to the different aspects mentioned.

Truth #3. You Need to Change Your Relationship With Food

Consuming nutritious unprocessed food on the daily will improve your overall health.

Weight loss can be easy if you consistently follow an everyday practice that include proper eating combined with physical activities. If you choose to lose weight, first, you need to change your eating habits.

You may want to consult a dietician for advise as to what is an appropriate eating routine to follow. Attempt to eat healthy food like green leafy vegetables, juices, oats, and so forth. Stay away from sugar, spicy and oily foods. You should also avoid consuming highly processed foods that are high in fats and simple carbohydrates but contain little nutrition.

Truth # 4. Cheat Meals Are Fine So Long As You Follow the Rules

A decently-sized slice of cake during your cheat meal will not derail your plan as long as you eat clean the majority of the time.

Variety is the spice of life and this too applies to food. Eating the same boring food will likely make you crave for something tastier and possibly more unhealthy.

This is where cheat meals come in. Every week, set aside a day where one or two of your meals will be cheat meals. Cheat meals are meals where you can eat whatever you want but in controlled portions. The danger of cheat meals is that even a single cheat meal can undo a week or more work’s of dieting. So be extra careful what you have your cheat meal(s) and more importantly, how much you eat.